Banner artwork by Sarah Northcott
GROUNDED YP Art Festival will be open to the public from Friday, 15 August until Sunday, 24 August 2025.
Stay tuned for more information.
A place for locals and visitors alike to experience and appreciate the artistic talent of the YP and in South Australia. We’ll be showcasing exhibitions, performances, live music, artisan products and activities.
Acknowledgement of Narungga Country
Ngadlu Nharangga banggarilla
We are on Narungga country
Guuranda barni barnagu yarda yardlu
Yorke Peninsula is their land and sea
Barni Nharangga dhura wardli
This is Narungga people’s home
Barnagu bugi-buggilu marn-marna badja
Their heritage is strong
Ngadlu baddana anggi, yardli Nharangga banggarilla wandidja
We all live on Nharangga country
Ngari wargunni ngallugu wambana yunggu
To walk as one and share our experiences
Ngallugu dhargarri-dhargarri ngallugu guungari
Our future is in our children.
Join us for Opening Night
The opening event will take place at Brentwood, centrally located to all the action contained within the GROUNDED program. Celebrating our artists, sponsors and award winners. Food trucks, grazing tables, bar, music and art displays.
Strictly limited tickets. Registrations essential.
Fine Art Exhibition
Exhibition Opening: TBA
Open to Public: TBA
Location: Ardrossan Town Hall, 9 First Street, Ardrossan
Photography Exhibition
Exhibition Opening: TBA
Open to Public: TBA
Location: Tanagra House, 9 Cross Street, Edithburgh - Bararmaradi
Sculpture Exhibition
Exhibition Opening: TBA
Open to Public: TBA
Location: Weaners Flat Hall, Yorketown - Garrdinya